
Innovate Successfully, Every Time: A Guide to NPD

4 years ago

Join Fabiola Da Silva, Account Executive at Attest, as she explains insights we've gathered from the work we do with innovation and marketing teams. She'll compare different strategies for success and share useful resources that you can apply to your process, to make sure your next product launch is tried, tested and ready to succeed before it goes to market.

Is it ever too early to be thinking about developing new products or features?

Given today’s fast-paced world, probably not.

Whether you’ve just unleashed your first product or you’re an established brand, there comes a time when growth will start to slow and you’ll need to start thinking about the next big thing (or things!) that kickstarts more growth.

The more prepared you are for when that time comes, the better. But how can you spot the right opportunity for innovation? Most likely there isn’t one outlier, but many avenues to explore. Which is where consumer insight helps you optimise for success and innovate quickly.

Getting feedback from the people who are already buying your products, and those future customers that might engage with your brand with a new offering, is crucial.

Join Fabiola Da Silva, Account Executive at Attest, as she explains insights we’ve gathered from the work we do with innovation and marketing teams. She’ll compare different strategies for success and share useful resources that you can apply to your process, to make sure your next product launch is tried, tested and ready to succeed before it goes to market. 

You will learn:

  • What makes up New Product Development (NPD) and why it’s important for companies’ growth
  • An explanation of concept testing and how it can save you time, money and resources
  • 7 tried and tested principles for successful launches

You’ll also walk away with an NPD guide and checklist for each stage of innovation.

Our speaker

Fabiola Da Silva

Fabiola Da Silva

Account Executive at Attest

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