
De-mystifying common research myths | Does my business need it?

4 years ago

In part 2 of this webinar series Attest’s Head of Customer Research, Sam Killip, and US Sales Director Tamer Abouleinein aim to dissect and debunk the most common myths surrounding the need for research within a business.

Have you ever thought any of the following? Research is complex, it’s expensive and mostly something that should be left ‘to the experts’. Numerous myths surrounding the subject often lead to marketers shying away from undertaking projects themselves, and outsourcing help at a significant cost. 

But what if you could be empowered to learn about consumers’ needs, understand live trends, enter new markets, validate decisions, develop new products and services, measure brands, track competition, and ultimately – grow. All at the click of a button, where you are in control. 

In this two-part webinar series Attest’s Head of Customer Research, Sam Killip, and US Sales Director Tamer Abouleinein aim to dissect and debunk the most common myths surrounding agile research to showcase the value you stand to gain. We are here you tell you its more simple and accessible than you think

In part 2, we respond to 6 myths around the need for research within a business

  • Research is costly
  • Research takes a lot of time
  • You need to be an expert to run research
  • Research is only suitable for certain projects
  • If I was going to invest, I need one product to do everything
  • Our company is too small for research

Both sessions aim to dispel concerns and to explore just how invaluable research can be to your business growth.

Our speakers

Sam Killip

Sam Killip

Head of Customer Research at Attest

Tamer Abouleinein

Tamer Abouleinein

US Sales Director at Attest

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