
The UK Public's Reaction to Coronavirus

5 years ago

How are consumers changing their behaviour in the wake of the Coronavirus? Join Stephanie Le Geyt as she dissects the key findings from our survey to 1,000 UK residents.

It’s likely that over the last month the Coronavirus has crept into the majority of conversations you’ve had.

Thanks in part to the media, talk of COVID-19 has swept the globe – but how worried are UK consumers about the virus, and how are they changing their behaviours in its wake?

We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,000 UK consumers to get an idea of how awareness of the virus is affecting the UK Public day-to-day.

Join Attest’s Group Product Manager, Stephanie Le Geyt, as she walks us through the key findings and statistics and what they may mean for your brand in these uncertain times.

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Stephanie Le Geyt

Stephanie Le Geyt

Group Product Manager at Attest

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