
How to get better insights using Enhanced Segments and Crosstabs

7 months ago Location Online

At Attest we’re always working on ways you can increase your understanding of what target customers want through your insights analysis.

Register for our 30-minute webinar where we’ll take you through some of the key updates to our platform that can help you make smarter decisions based on better knowledge about your customers.

Senior Product Manager Melanie Pieters will show you the latest Results dashboard updates – Enhanced Segments and Crosstabs. And Senior Customer Research Manager Jacob Barker will guide you through how to use segments to improve your analysis and make those smarter decisions.

Got questions on the platform or your research? No problem! Send your questions through the chat during the webinar – Mel and Jacob will be happy to answer them in the Q&A section at the end.

See you there!

Date & Time

Thu, 21 Mar 2024
Event start time: 3pm - 3:30pm GMT

Our speakers

Melanie Pieters

Melanie Pieters

Senior Product Manager at Attest

Jacob Barker

Jacob Barker

Senior Customer Research Manager at Attest

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