
12 Lessons Learned in 2020: Key Takeaways for Marketers

4 years ago

Sam Killip, head of Customer Research at Attest hosts an in-depth review of the key takeaways from 12 webinars in 2020 as we head towards the start of a new year.

2020 has been a…big year. 

With the global COVID-19 pandemic triggering national lockdowns across the globe, here at Attest we had to think of new ways to bring the latest insight on brand, marketing and research directly to you. 

Enter: #WebinarWednesdays

For the past 30+ weeks, we’ve hosted live webinars, once, twice, sometimes even three times a week, entirely free of charge, to provide invaluable insight on how you can use consumer research to weather this ongoing storm, and to stay ahead of the curve.

With budgets cut, teams streamlined and your consumer staying at home, we’ve spotlighted areas across our platform and how you can make the most of them. We’ve dissected key industry topics with notable guest speakers, and we’ve given you up to the minute global data on consumer sentiments towards COVID-19 to help you strategise.

As we head towards the start of a new year, Sam Killip, Head of Customer Research at Attest hosts a summary of the key learnings from our most popular webinars.

You will hear:

  • A TL;DR tour of 12 sessions across the year
  • Actionable advice from Sam on how to put these learnings into practice
  • A plethora of key themes to incorporate into your planning for 2021

Our speaker

Sam Killip

Sam Killip

Head of Customer Research at Attest

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