Attest Product Release: Multi-market | Attest’s Alyssa Stringer

Hear about the latest product update from Attest, to help you seamlessly run and analyze research in multiple markets.

2024’s Brand Growth Summit was a huge success!

We welcomed Marketing, Brand and Insights leaders from some of the world’s top consumer brands to London’s Ham Yard Hotel. We heard from top speakers and panels about how they’re using consumer insights and AI to better understand their target customers.

Running multi-market research in Attest has never been easier!

Director of Product Alyssa discusses Attest’s new workflows for large scale multi market research, helping you supercharge any global use case, from brand tracking to category expansion.

Alyssa also takes us through how Attest has developed simple and intuitive tools for navigating and distilling large data sets, including advanced cross-market comparison and why Attest’s audience solutions offer you the most robust and reliable sample across the globe.

Q&A responses

Here are the responses from Alyssa and the Product and Customer Research teams here at Attest to the awesome questions we couldn’t cover in the presentation.

How important is to really localise creative messages to each markets?

It really will depend on the campaign & the message. The honest answer is that we don’t know and that is why it is important to test to see if a creative needs localising or not. We do know there are lots of cultural differences around the world and different language comprehension, that could call into question if you should go all in one language or localise just that element for example. If we think of the ad that Natalie shared from Spain, while that sentiment might work in multiple markets, the specific traditions around Christmas would be different and so it would likely be more impactful tugging on those heart strings seeing your own traditions.

What’s the biggest mistake or trap people run into, when running multi-market research?

The biggest trap really is assuming that one market works as a proxy for many, so it is not doing multi-market research when that is needed. The best biggest is following on from that, assuming that UK & US is the world or that you can understand all of Europe from UK, France & Germany for example. There obviously are totally legitimate reasons to just do those market combinations by the way, but just think about that audience you are wanting to understand. Which markets is the creative running in and are they represented? Where are you trying to really grow the brand? As with any piece of research, you want the most relevant audience that represents who you are trying to grow with.

Do you ever compliment your quant data with cultural or qualitative research to help provide context and further depth to numerical findings across markets?

When our clients are exploring topics it’s always important to consider the output needed through the research and any other secondary data that can provide additional context. Combining a Quantitative and Qualitative approach can be very useful in specific circumstances as it allows to explore and evaluate topics before quantifying them to ensure a full view of the research. Attest has recently launched a Video Response offering to do exactly this, with the ability to ask up to 4 video response questions.

Is there any plans to improve unaided awareness questions in brand tracking that will automatically tabulate open text answers?

Enhancing the ability to easily analyze results over time for recurring research, such as brand trackers, is a key focus area for us. While there are currently no concrete plans for open text questions, we are actively exploring options over the next 6-12 months. These options aim to enable you to track the frequency of specific keywords and observe any changes over time.

Are you already or planning on using AI for translations?

We don’t currently integrate AI into our solutions for translating survey question content. Instead we choose to partner with leading translations and localisations providers in the research industry, to ensure high quality and guaranteed accuracy. The quality of AI generated translations are improving but we believe these still require human review to ensure sentiment is fully captured. We actively review tooling on the market to support our translation flows and it’s likely we would integrate AI later.

Not releated to multi-market, but I’m interested in whether you have plans to use AI to generate insights from qual transcripts?

We are actively exploring opportunities to integrate AI to support the analysis of video responses (Qual). We see huge potential in helping you distill insights quickly from both video content and the transcripts. If you have any ideas for what you’d like to see, please let us know!

Can we merge existing brand tracking surveys to multi-market surveys?

We don’t currently have a supported solution in the platform itself to merge surveys, but we will be supporting all customers to make a suitable shift over to the multi market workflow. If you’re keen to explore the best options for your existing research, please get in touch with your Customer Success or Research Manager.

Will this feature be available also to merge surveys run in different regions (speaking different languages) of a country e.g. Wallonia and Flanders (Belgium)?

Yes, region by region comparison (in different languages) will be supported. This will be available later in the year.

How do you do your Attest product research to identify platform improvements? Would love to take part in a survey 😉 (non Attest – PII!) or focus group.

We actively collect feedback from our users and are interested to hear any challenges or ideas you have! Please share any feedback directly with your Customer Success or Research Manager and they will take appropriate steps to pass this on to our Product teams, or put you in touch with the relevant product team specifically. We frequently send Attest surveys to gather feedback so please do partake in those! We also love chatting with our users and spend time conducting our own user research across various initiatives. We’ll often send out emails inviting you to take part in any user research activies, so please also look out for invites, or share with your CSM if there are any particular product areas or topics you’re especially keen to contribute to.

Are you building an ability to merge old surveys to this new format?

We don’t currently have a supported solution in the platform itself to merge surveys, but we will be supporting all customers to make a suitable shift over to the multi market workflow. If you’re keen to explore the best options for your existing research, please get in touch with your Customer Success or Research Manager.

Will you be doing any discounts or offers for multi-market surveys? As we would send to more markets if it didn’t cost so many credits.

We won’t be offering specific credit discounts for multi market research, but it’s worth sharing your ideas and concerns on credit usage with your CSM and the customer research team, so we can help make research both affordable and valuable to you.

How many countries is this feature currently available in?

Attest supports research in 59 countries. Any of these 59 countries can be included in your multi market research, and there is no cap on how many countries can be combined for comparison.

In the future do you plan to have a built in translation feature for open text question responses?

Translating open text responses to a native (or draft) language is a feature we aim to explore. We’re expecting the need for this to increase as we see more research conducted on Attest across multiple markets and languages. We currently offer the ability to work with our translation partners to access quality translations for your open text responses, but we believe more automated translation solutions may be suitable here.

In the future do you think it’ll be possible to do text analysis on multiple languages at once to look for a common theme?

Analyzing data across markets is crucial for us in our strive to make multi-market research easier. We recognize that open text analysis presents challenges, especially in multiple languages. While we don’t have concrete plans at this moment, we are actively exploring solutions to help you analyze multi-language text responses. It’s important to note that since our model is custom-developed for the English language, there are some challenges regarding the level of automation we can provide for other languages.

Marcus Evans

Senior Content Marketing Manager 

See all articles by Marcus