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We’re all adjusting to the ‘new normal’ created by the COVID-19 pandemic – what does that mean for the hair & beauty industry? We partnered with The Big Thinks to ask 500 UK consumers how their hair & beauty habits have changed in the wake of a crisis.
Just fill out the form to get your hands on the full report. Simple!
Normstalgia. It’s the feeling many of us are feeling as we become misty-eyed over the ordinary, everyday things we took for granted before lockdown. It’s getting so bad that many of us are starting to miss face-to-face business meetings and the commute. However, with the possibility of the current UK COVID-19 restrictions continuing for months, not weeks, we are beginning to face a new normality under lockdown.
This new normal includes doing many things we perhaps don’t usually do at home, whether that is homeschooling, more cooking from scratch or cutting our hair. With hair and beauty salons closed, we wanted to explore how this is impacting Brit’s hair and beauty regimes and what this means for the hair and beauty industry.
We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 500 working-age UK adults aged 18-64 on Monday 30th of March 2020, and now we’ve compiled the findings.