
Mindset Shift, Community, Responsibility: 3 Things You Need to Know About the Post-COVID Consumer

5 years ago

Join Nikos Nikolaidis, as he dissects data from a survey of 500 people in the UK to understand how this pandemic has changed the mindset of your future consumer.

The Covid-19 pandemic has, directly or indirectly, impacted every single person in this world. 

As we move out of lockdown, brand and marketing leaders now have a golden opportunity to reflect. By learning from the way consumers responded to the pandemic individually and as a society, marketers have the chance to drive their strategy in the right direction. This will allow them to ensure they’re consistently providing the right messaging, to the right people, at the right time.

Join Customer Research Manager, Nikos Nikolaidis, as he dissects data from a survey of 500 people in the UK to understand:

  • How this pandemic has changed the mindset of your future consumer
  • Why the concept of “community” should matter to brands
  • How consumers demand brands to better reflect their values

If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please email Lucy Chapman.

Our speaker

Nikos Nikolaidis

Nikos Nikolaidis

Customer Research Manager at Attest

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