
7 Growth Opportunities in the Food & Beverage Market

5 years ago

Register for this free webinar with Attest's Oliver Lewis, & Strategic Consultant Chrissy Totty to help you navigate the current fast-changing consumer behaviours in the food & beverage market and find opportunities.

To understand to what extent things have changed in the UK, and to quantify what some of the short and mid-term impacts of COVID-19 will be for brands, Attest has partnered with The Big Thinks to launch a study that interrogates the virus’ impact on the UK’s food and drink habits.

We surveyed a nationally representative sample of 500 working-age UK adults aged 18-64 between Friday 3rd of April and Monday 6th of April 2020, asking topical questions to guide you on suitable & sustainable strategies to engage with your consumers and drive growth as we progress towards moving out of lockdown.

Founder of The Big Thinks, Chrissy Totty, and Attest’s Oliver Lewis analyse the statistics on:

  • Baking
  • Cooking Guides
  • Takeaways
  • Alcohol
  • Subscription services
  • The Delivery Market
  • Eating habits post COVID-19

If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please email Lucy Chapman.

Our speakers

Oliver Lewis

Oliver Lewis

Sales Development Representative at Attest

Chrissy Totty

Chrissy Totty

Founder & Lead Consultant at The Big Thinks

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