
The D2C mix: ingredients you need to rise higher in 2021

4 years ago

Join Attest CEO, Jeremy King, and Head of Growth at Oddbox, Liz Yates as they dissect new research into DTC purchasing habits and how they may change in a post-pandemic world.


Jeremy King

CEO and Founder


Liz Yates

Head of Growth


Steve Hemsley

Marketing Week Contributor

The pandemic has resulted in a big boost for many direct-to-consumer brands – but how can they maintain the momentum?

As restrictions are lifted, will there be a mass return to the high street or will the DTC business model stand strong? Is the era of experimenting with new brands going to end with more life distractions in the way?

In this webinar Attest CEO, Jeremy King, presents new research into DTC purchasing habits and how they may change in a post-pandemic world. Dissecting the data alongside Head of Growth at Oddbox, Liz Yates, it will look deeper into where DTC brands should focus their attention now to ensure future success.

We will cover:

  • People’s attitudes towards online shopping as we enter recovery
  • What the winning and losing DTC categories will be
  • The outlook for product subscriptions
  • The role of marketplaces in DTC distribution
  • How DTC brands can continue to get discovered and win over new customers

Hit the link to the right to register.

Date & Time

Thu, 29 Apr 2021
Event start time: 11am - 11:45am BST

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